The knee is the hinge-like joint formed by the lower end of the |femur|, the upper ends of the |tibia| and |fibula|, and the |patella| (kneecap). The |patella| is connected to the joint by the medial and patellar retinaculum ligaments and to the ~tuberosity~ of the |tibia| by the patellar ~ligament~. It is not visible in the ~posterior~ (rear) view and is removed in the ~anterior~ (front) view to show the articulation and connective tissues of the bones beneath.
The knee is a joint which is subjected to tremendous lateral stress during normal activity and is guarded by a number of ~transverse~ and cruciate ~ligaments~ to help lend it support. Even so, however, the increased stresses placed upon this joint during extreme athletic activity (for example, in football, basketball, or tennis) which require the competitor to alter direction rapidly, the knee often bears the brunt of intolerable shearing force. Such incidences often result in |torn ligaments| within the knee which require corrective surgery.